“Come in, she said, I’ll give ya shelter from the storm.” – Bob Dylan
The umbrellas float atop the crowd, bobbing like comic word bubbles above the women – always women – who snap them open and thrust them skyward as they step from the shade of street corners, churches and buses into the glare of the Mexican sun.
Beneath the umbrella, beyond shelter from the solar storm, the canopy creates a protective sphere. Inside, the woman navigates the eddies and swirls of the sidewalks, fends off unwanted solicitations, commercial and libidinous, and broadcasts, with a portentous downward tilt of the umbrella’s pointed tip, that she is about her business and is not to be messed with.
Hi Tim. You (with your wife and Nicky and her husband) visited me once in Tiburon
I love your photos.
Are your prints for sale?
I’d love to purchase a couple.
Hi Pat … Thank you for your lovely comments about the photos. Yes, I sell them — on 11×14 paper for $200 and on $16×20 paper for $300, the same prices from the show last fall in Mill Valley. Just let me know if there is something you’d like, and I’ll have it printed. The lab is still working. … Thanks again, Tim