March 12, 2004

Morph Me an Editor, Please

No one needs an editor. Reporters don’t. Bloggers don’t. Even other editors don’t. But last night I realized why I want an editor.

I was too busy yesterday to keep up with all the intellectual activity at Mediamorphosis, an API Media Center conference underway in San Diego with a lot of smart people talking about, well, media, so last night I went to the conference blog to catch up and in moments was overwhelmed by all the posts, comments and back channel chatter.

I scanned the page, scrolled, scanned again – looking for some kind of summary of the conference and the many conversations taking place. There wasn’t one. It was late and I moved on, thinking I’d get to it this morning.

Then it occurred to me: I wanted a story. I wanted someone to take all the day’s events, filter them, order them and compile them in a format I could scan quickly and then go deeper into if something grabbed my interest.

Isn’t that someone an editor?

In the world of “we media” where every citizen is a publisher, how do we citizen publishers keep up with all the other citizens who are publishing? That’s a role journalists fulfill now, observing others for us.

I’m not saying bloggers themselves should be edited (although feedback from readers is participatory editing) – but I think I’d like someone to edit the blogosphere for me.

Anyone want to start a “we-news” service?

UPDATE: JD Lasica responds that "last year Rusty Foster (founder of Kuro5hin), Matt Haughey (founder of Metafilter and proprietor of the PVR blog) and I were talking about starting a participatory news service, but got sidetracked by other projects." Save me a seat on the rim, JD.

Posted by Tim Porter at March 12, 2004 08:15 AM

Tim, check out this:

Posted by: JD Lasica on March 12, 2004 12:45 PM

You can see through the screen door if you back up a few feet.

Most of us bloggers have our faces pressed right up against it so we don't always see the whole scene.

One of my most devoted readers is subtly trying to persuade me that this entire notion of news being a "conversation" is bunk.

It's telling that a conference on the latest in communication cannot tell us what the hell's going on at it.

Posted by: tom on March 12, 2004 11:51 PM
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